Acid Reflux & Shoulder Pain

Acid reflux can be a painful condition that is usually treated successfully with various types of medications. Acid reflux and shoulder pain is not that common but may occur.
  1. Acid Reflux

    • Acid reflux happens when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus . This happens because of a failure of the sphincter muscles or mechanisms in that area do not work properly.


    • Heartburn is the most common symptom of acid reflux. It causes a burning pain in the chest area due to the overflow of stomach acid, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

    Acid Reflux and Shoulder Pain

    • In some people, the pain can radiate to the back and shoulder. Shoulder pain is a rare symptom but has been reported by some. It's important to make sure acid reflux is the cause of your shoulder pain and not something else.


    • With shoulder pain caused acid reflux, you must treat the reflux first to find relief. Do so with changes in your diet, over-the-counter medications or a prescription from your doctor. Surgery is an option to be discussed with a physician and is usually only needed in severe cases.


    • Discuss acid reflux and shoulder pain with your physician to rule out any other possible reasons for the pain. Shoulder pain accompanied by chest pain should be reported to your doctor immediately.

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