How to Help Heart Burn
Avoid the following substances that can make heartburn worse: coffee, alcohol, aspirin, ibuprofen, onions, fatty foods such as pizza, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, citrus drinks and tomato products. Avoiding these foods and drugs will help to lower the chances of heartburn occurring.
Quit smoking. It is widely recognized that smoking can be a major cause of heartburn. Try to slowly decrease the frequency of your smoking until your habit is eliminated.
Avoid overeating. Control the portions of your meals to avoid overeating and suffering from heartburn. Overeating is a leading cause of the occurrence of heartburn. Be sure to limit the quantities of foods that have caused your heartburn in the past.
Wait at least two hours after meals before lying down. Lying down too quickly after a meal can allow for the stomach acid to more easily creep into the tube of the esophagus. If you need to rest, try sleeping either in a chair or in a raised position on your bed.
Lose weight. The chances of experiencing heartburn decrease when you are at a healthy weight. If you are overweight, control your portions and devote time during the week for regular exercise. Not only will it decrease the chances for heartburn, but also will leave you with more energy during your day.