Post Nissen Diet
Night of Surgery to 3 Days After Surgery
Right after surgery, you should have only clear liquids three to four times. Avoid liquids that are too cold or too hot, and do not drink carbonated drinks for up to 4 weeks. The day afterward, you can transition to soft foods--mashed potatoes--but still drink mostly clear liquids. Drink and eat slowly, and chew your food well. Stay away from breads, crackers, tomato products, nuts, spicy foods and other foods that can irritate your stomach. See the resources section for a chart on what foods to eat.
3 Days to 3 Weeks After Surgery
After 3 days, you should still stick with the soft diet but begin to add "more challenging" foods one at a time. If you feel pain or discomfort, revert back to the soft foods stage until you feel well enough to add a more solid food. You may want to wait to add foods that cause bloating or difficulty swallowing at a later date.
3 to 6 Weeks After Surgery
Three to 6 weeks after surgery you should be able to go back to your regular diet before the surgery. If any pain occurs, go back a stage and transition slower.