Herbal Remedy Cures for Heartburn
Peppermint oil works to neutralize the acid in your stomach, but should never be taken alone. Drink peppermint tea after a meal to prevent heartburn symptoms.
Ginger helps you properly digest food. You can eat ginger raw or as an ingredient in other food. Ginger supplements are available in 500mg daily dosages. Ginger tea or tablets also can be used to prevent heartburn when taken after a meal.
Fennel tea is another heartburn reliever. Boil 3g of fennel seeds, or about ½ teaspoon, in 250ml of water for about five minutes, keeping the lid on the pot. You can add peppermint oil to the tea to add taste and improve its helpful properties. Let the mixture cool and sip it after a meal. You can drink as much as three cups of tea daily for severe heartburn.
Chamomile is a soothing herbal remedy that is rich in calcium and caffeine-free. It works to relieve gastrointestinal disorders. Make chamomile tea by infusing your herbal tea for three minutes in a pot of boiling water. If you are using dried or fresh herbs, damp the herbs for the same amount of time. Sugar can be added for taste. Drink as needed after your meal.
Cumin is an herbal remedy that helps to stop the formation of gas in your stomach. Add a pinch of cumin to one meal every day to help stimulate proper digestion and nutrient assimilation.
Bananas, papayas and rhubarb are great fruits to help neutralize the acid in your stomach and can be eaten after a meal to relieve occasional heartburn. Papaya and banana can be eaten fresh, but you should only eat the raw stalks and leaves of rhubarb.