What Is Acid Reflux Pain?
Heartburn is the most common type of pain in acid reflux. The burning sensation can start low near the stomach and rise up into the chest or the throat. Lying down or bending over after eating can exacerbate heartburn.
Chest Pain
Some people who have acid reflux can get chest pain. It may feel like pressure or tightness. Any chest pain should be checked by a physician to make sure it is not a heart condition.
Dyspepsia from acid reflux occurs in the stomach and abdomen. Dyspepsia symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, or nausea after a meal.
Sinus and Earache
Primarily in children, acid that rises into the throat can irritate the adenoids and lymphatic tissues and cause inflammation. This inflammation can close off the sinus passages and eustachian tubes, creating a collection of fluid, which in turn may cause sinus pain and earaches.
Throat Pain
Acid reflux can cause a sore throat or pain when swallowing food due to the food lodging in the throat when the esophagus has been damaged by acid or narrowed from irritation.