How to Make GERD Better
Maintain a healthy weight. GERD is common in obese people. Aim to shed extra pounds by eating less and getting regular exercise. Eat 500 fewer calories a day, and participate in 30 to 60 minutes of exercise daily.
Skip large meals. Eating three large meals a day can also trigger gastroesophageal reflux disease. Consume smaller meals to avoid overeating and to ward off reflux. Eat four to six small meals a day.
Schedule an early dinner. Eating late or consuming food before going to bed can bring on GERD. Plan to have dinner several hours before bed--at least two to three hours before sleeping--to improve reflux.
Modify eating habits. Foods such as onions, peppermint, chocolate, spicy foods, fatty foods and acidic foods can worsen GERD or bring on reflux. Exclude these foods from your diet to relieve symptoms.
Lift your bed. Sleeping with your head raised can keep liquids and food content in your stomach and improve GERD. Consider lifting the head of your bed approximately 6 inches. Accomplish this by placing a cement or wood block underneath the headboard.
Improve GERD with medication. Antacids neutralize stomach acid and slow the production of acid, which helps you manage the condition. Take an over-the-counter drug such as Tums or Gaviscon, or consult a doctor for information on a prescription drug like Nexium.