Natural Way to Eliminate GERD
Medical staff at Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, and Web MD all concur that being overweight is a key factor in GERD. Extra pounds put pressure on the abdomen, pushing the stomach upwards and causing acid to flow back into the esophagus. Tight belts and waistbands--common around overweight middles--add to likelihood of GERD.
Overeating is another common GERD causation factor, and if engaged in regularly is associated with weight gain. Eat smaller portions, and obtain or maintain a healthy weight, to eliminate GERD naturally.
Food Selection
Chocolate, mints, and alcohol can bring on incidences of acid reflux by relaxing the valve between the stomach and the esophagus. Some people find that fatty or fried foods, spicy foods, or acidic foods like tomatoes, oranges, or coffee, also trigger bouts of GERD. Avoid these foods, or eat them only in moderation along with other foods that help counteract their effects, such as bread, pasta, cold lowfat milk or lowfat vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt. Eating an apple after each meal, drinking plenty of water, and drinking chamomile tea or tea made from cumin seeds, or chewing cumin seeds or ginger, are natural ways to reduce GERD symptoms.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Simple lifestyle adjustments can naturally eliminate GERD. Eat smaller meals several times through the day, and don't lay down within two or three hours after eating. Taking a walk after a meal can aid digestion, prevent GERD, and help to obtain a healthy weight, which can avoid GERD over the long term. Elevate the head of the bed 6 to 8 inches with a wedge pillow under the mattress so that gravity helps keep stomach juices from flowing upwards. Smoking also factors into GERD causation, and quitting can eliminate GERD.