Household Cures for Acid Reflux
Apple Cider Vinegar
Although apple cider vinegar is acidic, it has the ability to change pH levels to become more alkaline, according to Home Remedies Web. There are several ways to take apple cider vinegar, such as swallowing two to three tablespoons directly. Or you can add 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar to an 8 oz. glass of water or to hot water for tea. If you frequently experience acid reflux, sprinkle 1 tbsp. over your food, especially on salad or vegetables.
Apples & Papaya
Apples and papaya have digestive enzymes that speed up the digestive process. Eat either an apple or papaya during your meal to prevent acid reflux. Sipping fresh apple juice after a meal also provides relief.
Eat a few raw almonds either before or after meals. Chew almonds slowly to improve digestion and relieve acid reflux. According to Nature's Natural Healing, the acid reflux should be gone in about 10 minutes.
Taking garlic regularly can help prevent acid reflux. Nature's Natural Healing recommends chewing one to two cloves of fresh garlic daily to alleviate acid reflux symptoms.
Herbal Teas
Use the following herbs to make herbal teas to treat indigestion: chamomile, meadowsweet, and marshmallow. Chamomile tea should be taken at a moderate temperature. Meadowsweet and marshmallow are natural anti-inflammatories. Curing Everyday Ailments the Natural Way suggests combining meadowsweet and marshmallow for an herbal blend tea that will soothe the digestive tract. When using fluids to treat acid reflux make sure you sip. Don't drink it quickly.
Other Tips
A few changes in diet and how you eat can help prevent acid reflux, as well. According to Natural Cures & Remedies, eat several small meals throughout your day rather than three large meals. Don't eat quickly. Instead chew your food slowly. It's also common for many people to want to lay down after eating, but try to resist that urge. Instead allow between 45 minutes and an hour after eating before you lay down. Drink more water. Reduce your intake of coffee and alcohol. Limit your daily coffee to about two cups a day.