How to Decrease Acid in Stomach Home Remedy

Increased stomach acid can contribute to a condition known as Acid Reflux Disease or GERD, causing pain in the stomach and esophagus, sometimes leading to more serious digestive disorders, some as serious as cancer. Aside from using over-the-counter medicines which can have long term side effects, many home remedies are available for decreasing excess stomach acids. Follow the instructions below to find one or several home remedies that will help you feel better and reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic apple cider vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Unprocessed honey
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Apples
  • Acid reflux pillow wedge
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  1. How to Decrease Acid in Stomach Home Remedy

    • 1

      Purchase organic apple cider vinegar and mix one teaspoon with eight ounces of water and drink twice a day to help reduce stomach acid and heartburn symptoms. The vinegar must be organic to be most effective. Check to see if the "mother of vinegar" is in the bottle. This looks like a filmy cloud and is the substance that assures you the vinegar is organic.

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      Add a teaspoon of raw or unprocessed honey to the apple cider vinegar and water mixture. Again, make sure the honey is organic.

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      If the apple cider vinegar doesn't work, try a mixture of baking soda and water. Prepare by adding one-quarter to one-half tsp. baking soda to an eight ounce glass of water and drink several times a day up to a maximum of three teaspoons of baking soda daily.

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      Use digestive enzymes with your meals to increase your stomach's ability to digest protein.

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      Eat smaller meals and chew your food well so it mixes with more saliva, which helps digestion.

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      Eat an apple or drink a glass of unsweetened, organic apple juice to address symptoms of GERD. The potassium in the apple helps to neutralize the excess acid in the stomach. Try this at bedtime if you are prone to acid reflux symptoms during the night.

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      Make dietary changes to cure symptoms of heartburn. Eliminate highly processed wheat flour, white sugar, excess fats, coffee, sodas and alcohol from your diet for relief of painful GERD symptoms.

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      Use an acid reflux pillow wedge to elevate your upper body when sleeping and alleviate symptoms of heartburn.

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