Cream of Tartar Natural Remedies
Get Rid of Ants
Instead getting a can of bug spray, which contains chemicals that may be harmful to the environment or your pets, try this remedy to get rid of ants: Mix vinegar and cream of tartar together until they form a paste. Then, spread the paste where the ants enter. Repeat this procedure for any ant holes or mounds you discover. Both vinegar and cream of tartar contain a powerful amount of acid to help get rid of the ants. In particular, tartic acid, a salty acid, dissolves ants on the spot.
Two of the most debilitating joint and tendon diseases are arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Although no one really knows what causes these conditions, there are two theories: either infection is present in the body, or the body's defenses attack its own tissues. Arthritis can be managed through an orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist, along with medicine. But some patients use this "old folk remedy" to relieve arthritis pain. Take equal parts of Epsom salt, cream of tartar and some ground rhubarb root and mix together. Then, fill empty gelatin capsules with the mixture. Take one capsule after each meal.
Sore Throat
Horehound is an herb that can be used along with cream of tartar as a remedy for a sore throat. Make soothing throat drops by combining 2 cups of fresh horehound with 2 ½ cups of water in a pan and boiling. Let the pan cool and strain with a cheesecloth. Pour horehound liquid in a large pot and add 3 cups of brown sugar, half a cup of corn syrup and 1 tsp. of cream of tartar. Using a candy thermometer, bring the mixture to a boil until it reaches 240 degrees Fahrenheit. Then add 1 tsp. of butter and let the mixture reach 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove pot from the heat and pour mixture into a buttered 8-inch pan. While the candy is cooling you can cut it into squares or wait until it is completely cool and crack it into pieces.