GERD Surgery & Weight Loss
Lose weight and stop reflux with GERD surgery.
What Necessitates Surgery?
GERD surgery may be necessary if symptoms are chronic and do not improve with lifestyle changes or medication. In addition, if the patient will require lifelong medication and is unable to take it over an extended period, surgical intervention may be recommended. GERD surgery may also be required if severe damage has occurred to the esophagus because of reflux.
GERD Surgery
Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication is surgery that minimizes the opening of the esophagus to inhibit reflux of acid back into it. This surgery is done through small incisons in the stomach and banding the lower part of the esophagus to decrease the size of the opening. A liquid diet is recommended for some time after the surgery, and solid foods are gradually reintroduced. You will likely experience some weight loss following GERD surgery due to the restrictions of a liquid diet. Patients who are severely obese or who have significant scar tissue may have to have more-invasive surgery to band the esophagus.
Food Consumption
Eat foods that are low in calories and fat in order to lose weight. Foods such as raw vegetables, most fruits (excluding citrus), low-fat dairy and whole grains will contribute to weight loss without exacerbating reflux symptoms either before or after GERD surgery. Avoid tomato products, carbonated drinks, citrus juice, alcohol, chocolate or caffeine to keep acid reflux from flaring up.
High-fat and fried foods may also contribute to symptoms of GERD and will cause weight gain due to high calorie content. Bake, broil or barbecue meats, skim the fat off of soups, and choose lean meat and non-fat dairy sources to avoid eating excess fat. Also avoid spicy foods.
Weight-Loss Tips
In order to experience weight loss before or after GERD surgery, it is helpful to follow a diet that will not exacerbate GERD symptoms. For instance, eating several small meals throughout the day will boost metabolism and contribute to weight loss. It will also discourage excess stomach acid from building and causing a reflux reaction. Decreasing calorie intake to recommended levels may lead to weight loss. Obesity is a known contributor to GERD symptoms. Recommended calorie levels for men aged 19 to 30 who are sedentary to active range from 2,200 to 2,800 per day, and for women, using the same criteria, recommendations are 2,000 to 2,200 calories daily. Decrease calories by 200 daily for every decade after 30, up to age 50.
Exercise for Weight Loss
It is possible to perform light exercises after two weeks following GERD surgery in order to increase calorie burn that contributes to weight loss. Walking, swimming, low-impact aerobic activity, and Pilates will tone your body and help you lose weight. Perform aerobic activity for 20 to 30 minutes, three or more times weekly, along with your daily activities to burn fat and lose weight. See your doctor before beginning an exercise program.