Potent Natural Remedies to Cure Gas, Indigestion, & Heartburn
Gastric problems like gas, indigestion, and heartburn can be very bothersome. If over-the-counter medications just aren't working or you're worried about the mystery ingredients in these products, try some natural home remedies. Many natural remedies for stomach problems can act quickly to fix the problem and put your digestion back on track without any annoying side effects.-
Remedies for Gas
There are plenty of natural remedies for gas and gas pain. One effective remedy can be made from a glass of water, 1 tsp. of grated ginger, a bit of lime juice, and some honey for taste. Teas made from chamomile, peppermint, or peach leaves are other options. Also try eating a bit of fresh parsley after a meal when gas occurs or drinking a carbonated water beverage.
Remedies for Indigestion
If you are experiencing indigestion, try drinking about half a glass of pineapple juice. This should get your digestive tract back in order. Also try mixing some water with 2 tsp. of honey and 1 tsp. each of ginger and lemon juice. Another useful remedy for indigestion involves mixing about 1 tsp. of baking soda with some water and drinking it. Be careful with this, however, because baking soda is very high in salt. Drinking a cup of ginger tea after a meal can also aid in proper digestion.
Remedies for Heartburn
Heartburn is rather painful, so quick relief is important when choosing a home remedy. One powerful remedy is to keep a couple of fresh garlic cloves in a bit of apple cider vinegar in the refrigerator. Garlic is a good antiseptic and may help kill any bacteria that may be causing gastritis, while apple cider vinegar can help restore a healthy pH balance to the stomach. When you feel heartburn coming on, drink a bit of the vinegar for quick relief.
Other natural options for relieving heartburn include chewable papaya tablets (available in health food stores), licorice tea, and chamomile tea.