Cures for Gas & Heartburn
Over-the-counter Treatments
Taking antacids is the most common non-prescription way to treat gas and heartburn. Rolaids, Tums, and Maalox are three of the most popular antacids. Beano is a popular treatment for gas. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions and stop use if your condition worsens. Also, always fully chew tablets. Antacids work by stabilizing stomach acid. They protect the esophagus by creating a foaming agent above your food to keep acid from going back up your esophagus. However, antacids are only for mild to moderate heartburn. People with constant heartburn should consult a doctor.
Prescription Treatments
A doctor may prescribe medication if your condition is severe. Prescription form acid blockers are one option. Axid, Pepcid, and Zantac are several common medications used to treat heartburn. Prescribing promotility agents is another way your doctor may decide to treat your condition. Promotility agents such as Reglan minimize the amount of stomach acid by speeding up the digestion cycle. You should take Reglan before you eat. However, you should not use Reglan if you have epilepsy because it may cause additional seizures.
Aciphex can also be prescribed by your doctor for heartburn. An antibiotic may also be prescribed to treat your condition. Always follow your doctor's instructions when taking Aciphex. Continue taking Aciphex for the entire prescribed time. Condition may worsen if you stop taking the medicine too soon.
The best way to deal with heartburn and gas is to prevent it. Avoiding alcohol will decrease your chances of getting heartburn. Instead of having a drink after work, try taking a walk, exercising or meditating.
Another way to prevent heartburn is to refrain from sleeping on a full stomach. You should always eat at least two hours before going to bed. This will decrease the chances of heartburn by giving your body a chance to digest the food.
Keep a food diary. Make note of the foods that trigger heartburn and gas and avoid eating those foods later. Foods that cause gas in one person may not cause gas in another. Examples of foods that have been known to cause heartburn are: caffeinated beverages, spicy foods, onions and chocolate.
Wearing loose-fitting clothes can also help prevent heartburn and ease the discomfort of gas.