Foods That Aggravate Acid Reflux

According to the American College of Gastroenterology, acid reflux (officially called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD) is a condition in which stomach contents move backwards from the stomach to the esophagus. The acids in the stomach contents cause pain and burning. Some foods are known to aggravate acid reflux.
  1. How Do Foods Affect Acid Reflux?

    • Some foods are acid-based, have a high acidic content or stimulate acid production which aggravate GERD symptoms.

    Carbonated Drinks

    • Carbonated drinks (particularly diet sodas, which contain acid) increase acid production in the stomach and can wear at the esophageal lining.

    Fatty Foods

    • Fatty foods, such as burgers and fries, take longer to break down in the stomach, producing more acid.

    Tomato and Citrus

    • Tomato-based sauces and foods, in addition to citrus fruits, are acid-based, and should be avoided.

    Dairy Products

    • Dairy products, such as ice cream or chocolate, are sugar-laden. Sugar increases the production of acid in the stomach.

    Alcoholic Drinks

    • Alcoholic drinks (particularly beer and wine) stimulate acid production.

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