What Causes GERD?
Weak muscles in the lower esophagus can trigger GERD--also known as acid reflux disease. Due to this weakness, food and other liquids in the stomach can easily escape the abdomen and travel up the esophagus into the throat.
Time Frame
Some people have a habit of eating just before bedtime or taking naps immediately after eating. This can trigger gastroesophageal reflux disease. Remain upright for two to three hours following a meal.
Lack of physical activity and poor diet cause weight gain, and being overweight can bring on acid reflux disease or GERD. Symptoms generally improve upon losing excess pounds.
Food and drinks are known acid reflux triggers, and paying attention to your diet and symptoms can help identify your primary offenders--fried foods, red meats, tomato sauce, orange juice, alcohol and caffeine.
Expert Insight
According to the Mayo Clinic, eating large meals and overeating can cause GERD. Reducing food portions and eating smaller meals--four to six a day--can improve your condition and alleviate symptoms.