Heartburn & Backache Symptoms
The pain of heartburn actually does not involve the heart, despite the term. The pain is usually felt around the heart area, concentrated on the breastbone. Gastric acid being cast up the esophagus is the major cause of heartburn. When the opening between the esophagus and the stomach does not close after food passes, excessive stomach acid is forced into the esophagus. This is what is known as reflux. Also, eating excessively or acidic foods, such as fruit, can trigger heartburn by over stimulating stomach acid.
Backache, as the name indicates, refers to pains that emanate from the back. Back pain does not originate from one specific place; rather, it can come from the muscles, bones and nerves located in the back region. Also, pain can come from several areas of the back, such as the lower back, the upper back and the tailbone area. Pain can also radiate to the neck. Causes of backache vary. Back trauma, muscle inflammation, disc hernia, spasms of the muscle, injured vertebrae and strained back muscle can all be causes of backache.
Symptoms of Heartburn
There are differing symptoms for heartburn. The prime symptom is the warm, burning sensation that is experienced by the breastbone. Other symptoms include chest pain, burning in the throat, and the feeling of food sticking in the chest area, cough, swallowing difficulty, increasing chest pain when laying down, sore throat, stomach nausea and constant hiccups.
Symptoms of Backache
Backache symptoms are as follows-stiffness in the lower back and hips, inability to bend without pain in the back or inability to move without back pain, chronic stabbing pain, numbness in the back and legs, tingling (pins and needles feeling) in the legs, pain when coughing or sneezing, weakness in legs, nausea, vomiting and spine curvature.
When it comes to any medical condition, it is always best to seek advice from a professional doctor. A doctor will give treatment, medication to relieve pain and diagnose to ascertain whether there is an underlying medical condition. Medical treatment might be necessary to prevent further complications as well.