How to Prevent Heartburn Naturally
Know the symptoms of heartburn. Lists of heartburn symptoms are available online but the most common symptom of heart burn is that acid burning feeling in your chest. If the normal heat burn medications don't seem to be having any effect, you could have a more serious problem and consulting your doctor would be in your best interest.
Avoid foods that cause heartburn. Now everyone's stomach reacts differently to different foods. So a particular food that gives someone else heartburn might have no effect on you, and vise versa. Keep track of the foods that tend to give you heartburn. In most cases it's foods high in acid like citrus fruits and spicy foods. Instead eat foods to prevent heartburn like carbs and dairy products.
If you did give into your urges and ate something that you know will give you heartburn acid reflux, mix a teaspoon of baking soda in water and drink it. This is a great preventive measure you can take to avoid getting heartburn. Never mix more than a teaspoon of baking soda with water though. It can make you very ill and even induce vomiting in certain cases.
Avoid over eating or "stuffing yourself" at meals. When you have a lot of food in your stomach it tends to push the acids higher into your esophagus and throat.
Prop yourself up in bed at night. Laying flat can cause strong stomach acids to seep higher in your chest and throat. I'm not saying sleep sitting up, just using an extra pillow to keep your head on a higher plane than your feet will do.