Herbs for Acid Reflux
Medical Advice
Even though herbal treatments for acid reflux are natural, their use should be discussed with a medical professional or herbalist first. Some herbal treatments and herbs can affect other medications you may be using.
A healthy diet is also necessary to control acid reflux. Certain foods can cause the symptoms to be more severe. Dietary and lifestyle changes can make a great difference in the treatment.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that make it a good choice for wounds and burns. Aloe works by reducing the inflammation on burned skin and has a soothing effect.
Acid reflux is caused by a weakened or damaged esophageal sphincter that controls the acid and keeps it contained in the stomach. When the sphincter is damaged, it allows the acid to back up into the esophagus, causing pain and potential damage. Aloe vera helps reduce inflammation and heal a damaged esophageal sphincter.
Aloe comes in a supplement or liquid form to control acid reflux. The liquid form can provide a soothing relief from the symptoms of acid reflux as well.
Ginger also contains anti-inflammatory properties. It's a versatile herb that can be steeped in a tea, used in food preparation or taken as a supplement in capsule form. Ginger tea can be very soothing for acid reflux sufferers.
When to Seek Medical Attention
It is important that you visit the doctor before trying herbal remedies. When the herbal treatments are not working or the symptoms become worse, visit your doctor for another treatment.
Heartburn that becomes more frequent or severe could be gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. This more serious condition can be treated with prescription medications and, in some cases, surgery. Untreated GERD can lead to serious problems and damage to the esophagus.