Cure for Reflux
Stop Acid Production With Medication
Treatment options depend on the severity of your reflux. Mild or occasional reflux may not require treatment. Symptoms may develop after a meal or drinking certain beverages, and quickly dissipate without affecting your life. But in the case of severe reflux disease, medications designed to stop acid production or neutralize stomach acid may prove beneficial.
Before requesting a prescription acid reducer from your doctor, experiment with over-the-counter drugs such as Pepto-Bismol, Alka-Seltzer or other types of antacids. Take medication at the first sign of reflux, or before eating problem foods. If these medications don't alleviate or prevent reflux, consider a prescription medication such as Zantac or Protonix.
Change Your Diet
It's unfortunate, but controlling acid reflux disease often necessitates changing your diet and giving up your favorite foods. But before modifying your grocery list, identify your individuals triggers.
According to the Mayo Clinic, spicy foods, citrus foods, tomato products, onions, chocolate, fatty foods, alcohol and peppermint are common reflux triggers. To recognize your triggers, remove or eliminate one type of food from your diet each week. For example, one week you might avoid fatty foods, whereas the next week you avoid tomato products.
Closely monitor your reflux symptoms and take note of any improvements. If symptoms return after reintroducing your body to the eliminated food(s), you've likely found your culprit.
Healthy Weight
Being slim or skinny doesn't guarantee relief from acid reflux disease. Nonetheless, being even slightly overweight increases your chances of developing reflux problems. Discuss the ideal body weight for your height and sex with your doctor. If you weight more than your ideal weight, resolve to lose a few pounds.
Losing weight has numerous health benefits. You'll reduce your risk of heart disease, fatty liver, high blood pressure and diabetes. And losing weight may improve or completely stop your reflux. Abdominal weight puts pressure on your stomach, and this pressure pushes the stomach upwards, which encourages the back flow of stomach acid. Eat a low-fat diet, reduce your daily calories and exercise for at least 30 minutes three to five times a week to reduce your body weight.