Reflux Remedies
Medications: OTC and Prescription
Mild cases of acid reflux that don't impact your life may not require medication. In this case, reflux may develop on occasion and disappear quickly. But in moderate to severe cases, heartburn, nausea and coughing can have a major impact on your life. These incidents generally call for medication, which is highly effective in stopping the back flow of stomach acid and relieving symptoms.
You can experiment with over-the-counter antacid drugs that stop the production of stomach acid. Taken at the first sign of reflux, you can ward off many of the symptoms and prevent damage to your esophagus. If these drugs aren't enough to stop your reflux, talk to your doctor about a prescription acid reducer.
Dietary Changes
Dietary changes are key to successfully managing acid reflux and easing symptoms. Food and drink play a major role in this condition. If you're not willing or prepared to make dietary modifications, you may never find relief. Many common foods have been shown to trigger acid reflux in those susceptible to the condition. According to the Mayo Clinic, typical problem items include fried or fatty foods, caffeine, chocolate and alcohol.
The exact cause of reflux varies from person to person. Although you may be able to drink caffeine or eat chocolate without developing symptoms, other foods such as fried chicken may bring on symptoms. The best way to recognize your triggers is to keep a food journal and track your symptoms. Once you identify possible triggers, temporarily eliminate these foods or drinks from your diet and see if your reflux problem improves.
Health and Lifestyle
Healthy living can also improve or reduce acid reflux disease. Various factors such as being overweight, eating large meals and smoking can contribute to reflux. You can easily improve your condition by making certain modifications.
For starters, it helps to maintain a healthy body weight and get rid of extra pounds--especially around the stomach. Exercise is also essential to good health. Daily activity can assist your weight loss efforts.
Eat four to six small meals a day to decrease the likelihood of overeating. After eating, aim to keep your head upright for at least two hours. You shouldn't go to bed or lie down immediately after meals. Lying down after eating gives food, liquids and acids the opportunity to escape the stomach and travel up the esophagus.