The Best Foods to Eat for Acid Reflex
The GERD diet is based on eliminating foods that trigger acid reflux symptoms and planning meals so that you eat several smaller meals each day that can be digested easier than three large ones. Waiting three hours before lying down allows digestion to complete and prevents acid reflux symptoms. Foods that make the stomach produce more acid or relax the pressure in the stomach to allow the LES to open can differ from person to person, but might include fats, fried food, peppermint, tomatoes, chocolate, citrus fruit, alcohol, onions, caffeine, coffee and soda. If you can tolerate them, you're allowed to eat them in moderation.
Lower Fat Meat and Dairy
Foods high in fat effect pressure in your stomach, causing acid to push back into the esophagus. If you eat animal foods, choose those lower in fat such as fish, skinless chicken and turkey, lean beef, non fat or low-fat milk and nonfat or low-fat yogurt.
Complex Carbs
Foods high in complex carbohydrates include whole grains like rice, oatmeal, pasta, crackers, pretzels and bread. They absorb excess stomach acid during digestion, making acid less likely to back up into your esophagus.
Vegetables that usually don't cause heartburn and are safe for people with acid reflux are broccoli, cabbage, peas, green beans, carrots and baked potatoes. Most vegetables are recommended as long as they're not acidic, such as tomatoes.
Citrus fruit and juices high in acid can cause heartburn and other symptoms in some people. Fruits that are not as likely to cause acid reflux symptoms include apples, peaches, berries, pears, bananas and melons.
Plant Protein
The LES muscle seems tighter and more tone when plant proteins such as beans and lentils are eaten instead of animal protein.