LPR/Acid Reflux Symptoms
Heartburn is the most common symptom in acid reflux. However, it is not present in LPR, or laryngopharyngeal reflux. You may feel a burning sensation after eating a meal, usually in the middle of your chest or abdomen.
Dyspepsia, or stomach discomfort, is a less common symptom of LPR/acid reflux. You will feel bloated after eating, may burp more often, feel nauseous and have abdominal pain. Some people also have vomiting.
You may regurgitate liquid or, in more serious cases, food as well. Regurgitation will leave a metallic or acid taste in your mouth, cause bad breath and can cause teeth erosion.
Chest Pain
Stomach acid coming into the esophagus can cause chest pain. This can be a minor burning sensation or it can feel more restricting and painful.
Throat Problems
You may have hoarseness in the morning or a dry cough and soar throat. This is due to the acid rising into the throat and regurgitation. More severe symptoms are pain or difficulty with swallowing.