Treatments for Indigestion
Lifestyle Changes
The most common treatment for heartburn is lifestyle changes that include avoiding triggers such as spicy or fried foods or chocolate. Adding more dairy products, especially milk, seems to also help.
Reducing Stress
Reducing stress will also help reduce the amount of stomach acid produced and reduce the chances of developing heartburn. Try to practice meditation or find 10 to 15 minutes a day to clear your mind and relax.
There are many medications used to treat indigestion on the market today. The most commonly used medications are over-the-counter symptom relief drugs such as Tums and Rolaids. Other medications are aimed at preventing heartburn and are now widely available over the counter. These include ranitidine, cimetidine, and omeprazole.
Surgery is an option when heartburn symptoms are more serious and chronic in nature. The procedure commonly used is called a Nissen fundoplication.
Before attempting to treat your heartburn, get a physical examination to determine the root cause of the problem and a physician-approved treatment plan. This will save you time and money avoiding treatments that will most likely not work.