Foods to Eat With Acid Reflux
Apples and bananas are great choices for a snack because they help soak up excess acid in the stomach. Other fruits you can eat for acid reflux include melons, peaches and pears.
Grains such as whole-wheat bread, crackers made from grain, and grain cereals are high in fiber to aid digestion and neutralize acid in the stomach. Brown or white rice are great acid neutralizers. Other grain products include rice cakes, pretzels with no seasoning, and corn products.
To avoid heartburn eat lean or extra-lean ground beef. Instead of frying fish, baking or grilling are the most healthful options. Chicken should be skinless, and chicken breast rather than dark meat is a good choice. Meats including turkey and London broil are easy on acid reflux.
Vegetables also contain fiber, which is good for soaking up excess stomach acids. Steamed vegetables such as carrots, spinach and broccoli are nutritious. Choose boiled or baked potatoes over fried and mashed potatoes. Foods you can eat that are good heartburn-stoppers are peas, green beans, celery and lettuce.
Drink skim, low-fat or fat-free milk instead of whole milk, which can aggravate your stomach. Drink plenty of water every day to keep acid reflux in check. Calm stomach acid with a cup of herbal tea. Black tea has a high acid content and should be avoided.
Eating low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese is good for neutralizing acid reflux symptoms. Cheese such as feta, goat and soy cheese are healthful options. Fat-free cream cheese and fat-free sour cream allow you to enjoy food without the heartburn.
When choosing soups, reach for ones with a vegetable or chicken broth base. Reach for ices or sorbet over ice cream. The best condiments include Italian dressing and low-fat dressing. To satisfy your sweet tooth reach for low-fat or fat-free sweets; baked chips and cookies. Lentils and beans are high in protein and fiber.