What Are the Causes of Heart Burn?
The bottom of the esophagus has a ring of muscles around it called the sphincter. The sphincter acts like a valve. When you swallow it opens to let food pass into the stomach. The sphincter closes to keep the contents in the stomach. Heartburn happens when the sphincter muscles are weak or too relaxed and allow stomach acid up into the esophagus. This causes pain because there is no protective lining in the esophagus.
Burning pain runs from the neck down to the bottom of the breastbone. An acid or sour taste may be present in the back of the mouth during an attack of heartburn. Belching and a bloated feeling may be present as well.
Pregnancy causes heartburn. The growing fetus pushes up on the stomach restricting the space that the stomach has to expand while eating. This can force stomach acid and food up into the esophagus.
Lying down after eating can cause heartburn. Gravity is a friend of the digestive system by pulling the food down into the bottom of the stomach. When you lie down right after eating, acid can splash up into the esophagus.
Certain foods can trigger heartburn. Avoid foods high in fats. Other trigger foods include sugar, chocolate, peppermint, onions, citrus, tomato-based foods, spicy foods, caffeine drinks and alcohol. Temperature can also have an affect on the esophagus. Foods and drinks that are consumed while extremely hot will burn and damage the esophagus making you more prone to heartburn attacks.
Other Causes
Being overweight or wearing tight clothes around the stomach puts pressure on the stomach. A hiatal hernia or eating too much also increases the risk of developing heartburn. Medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen can cause damage to the stomach and esophagus if taken over a long period of time. Smoking can cause heartburn because nicotine irritates the sphincter muscles.