Massage Therapy Treatment for Those With Acid Reflux
Several things can cause acid reflux including nerves, poor diet, obesity, pregnancy, a weak esophageal sphincter, or a hiatal hernia. Most people have some reflux on a normal basis and the body handles it adequately, but sometimes reflux can cause great discomfort. Usually, multiple factors are present when reflux becomes a problem. For example, if a person is under stress, smoking, not eating right and drinking too much coffee, reflux may worsen, especially if that person has a contributing physical condition such as pregnancy or a weak esophageal sphincter.
Steps to Take
It is important for you to identify the factors that may be causing acid reflux and to eliminate as many of those factors as possible. The smoker should try to quit smoking; overeating should be avoided; hot, spicy or acidic foods should be avoided as well as fried or fatty foods, coffee intake should be eliminated or reduced, and stress should be kept at a minimum. Your physician may prescribe a medication or you may use an OTC remedy, either low dose pharmaceutical or herbal. In addition, some people find relief with alternative medicine methods such as acupressure or massage therapy.
Licensed massage therapists often treat digestive problems, including acid reflux. There are a number of massage techniques, such as SET, Shiatsu, or Tui Na that may help, mainly by relaxing the tissues around the stomach and esophagus and by increasing blood flow to those areas. A qualified therapist can best determine, sometimes by systematic trial, the method that would provide maximum benefit.
Acid reflux disease can be caused by a number of serious medical conditions. These possibilities need to be ruled out by a physician before one attempts to self medicate or self treat. In addition, left untreated, acid reflux can lead to more serious physical complications. All treatment options should be carefully considered beforehand, carefully evaluated and, most importantly, should be discussed with a competent health care provider.