Relief for Acid Stomach in the Morning
Evening Habits
Considering your habits the night before will greatly help relieve you of morning stomach acid. Refrain from eating two to four hours before bed. In addition, eat a healthful dinner avoiding stomach acid triggers. Everyone has different triggers although they commonly include foods such as tomatoes or citrus, caffeine, fried foods and alcohol.
Breakfast Habits
Breakfast habits are important to properly prepare your stomach. It's essential not to skip breakfast, because an empty stomach is sensitive when it has no food to properly absorb your stomach acid. One leading cause of excess stomach acid is eating too fast, therefore it's not advised to eat on the go. Scheduling time for your breakfast meal will ensure that you can properly relax while you eat. Wake up a few minutes early, and consider preparing your breakfast the night before to save time.
Morning Meal
Prepare a breakfast that doesn't contain stomach acid triggers. Avoid citrus juices, since these items are especially harmful on an empty stomach. Breads are a great choice because they are filling and absorbent. Relax while you eat and don't swallow your food too quickly. Drink plenty between bites to allow your stomach to properly break down the food.