How to Detect and Treat Acid Reflux in Infants

Just like adults, infants can experience acid reflux. Acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER) in infants, is a condition in which the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus during or after a meal. In the case of infants, stomach content can back up all the way into the mouth, which causes them to spit up or vomit. The lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle at the lower part of the esophagus that opens and closes to allow food to go into the stomach but not come back up, can be weak in the first few months of a baby's life. Because of this, it is common for babies to spit up, vomit or regurgitate their food. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, most babies stop spitting up or vomiting between the ages of 12 and 24 months. But in some cases, acid reflux can occur to such a degree that it is harmful to the child. Here are ways to detect and treat acid reflux in infants.


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      Recognize the Symptoms - Infants experiencing acid reflux may have some or all of the following symptoms.
      • Spitting up
      • Vomiting
      • Irritability
      • Poor appetite
      • Coughing
      • Bloody Stools

      While spitting up and occasional vomiting in infants is normal, continuous vomiting may be a sign the baby has acid reflux. It is important to talk to your baby's doctor about any symptoms you are concerned with.

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      Be Aware of Severe Symptoms - In a small percentage of infants, acid reflux can cause symptoms that affect the child's overall health. Contact your baby's doctor if one or more of the following symptoms occur.
      • Low weight gain due to not being able to keep food down.
      • Poor growth rate.
      • Trouble with breathing.
      • Recurrent bouts of pneumonia.
      • Bleeding due to acid irritating the esophagus.
      • Refusing to eat.
      • Constant irritability.
      • Vomiting yellow or green fluid or blood.
      • Constant projectile vomiting.

      If your baby exhibits some or all of these symptoms, tests may be performed to determine if acid reflux is the cause so treatment can begin.

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      Learn Ways to Prevent Acid Reflux - There are a few easy ways to prevent mild acid reflux in infants. Always burp the baby after a feeding. Overfeeding can also cause acid reflux so try feeding smaller amounts more often than large feedings at one time. Hold the baby upright for 30 minutes after each feeding so food can't back up into the esophagus. Breastfeeding moms may be eating foods that irritate the baby, so be sure to not eat spicy foods or foods containing caffeine that will irritate the baby's stomach. Laying the baby on his back when sleeping will help to prevent acid reflux at night. Your doctor may also suggest adding some rice cereal to the baby's formula or breast milk to help sooth the baby's stomach. However, never change your baby's diet without talking to your doctor first.

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      Talk to the Doctor about Medications - In severe cases of infant acid reflux your doctor may suggest the baby try taking a medication that will reduce stomach acid. This is only suggested if the baby isn't able to keep food down so he can grow properly. Talk to the doctor about the medications available and any side-effects they may cause.

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      Feel Good about Taking Care of Your Infant's Acid Reflux - Most infants will outgrow GER or acid reflux by the age of 2 and it is not a cause for concern. But for those who are affected more severely by acid reflux, it is important to know the symptoms so you can seek medical attention. By detecting acid reflux in your infant and treating it appropriately, your baby is sure to enjoy a healthier life.

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