Protonics Side Effects
Common Side Effects
There are several relatively common side effects that are often linked to Protonix. In general, these side effects are not considered to be serious, as they tend to subside quickly on their own as the body adjusts to the medication. However, if they linger or get worse, medical attention might be necessary. These side effects include insomnia, abdominal ache, diarrhea, burping, gas, hyperglycemia, nausea, throwing up and skin rash.
Less Common Side Effects
There are also some less common, but possible side effects of Protonix. These side effects include respiratory tract infection, coughing, constipation, chest ache, bronchitis, neck pain, back ache, sore throat, anxiety, joint pain, dizziness, feeling lightheaded, indigestion, high levels of fat in the blood, migraine headache, flu syndrome, rhinitis, urinary tract infection (UTI), gastroenteritis and insufficient energy or strength.
Rare Side Effects
There are also some highly rare side effects of Protonix. In cases of rare side effects, it is recommended that medical assistance is received as soon as possible, as some of these side effects are very severe, and in certain cases, life threatening. These side effects are anemia, depression, disorientation, confusion, high blood pressure, vertigo, acne, glaucoma, impotence (erectile dysfunction), tinnitus, heart attack, low appetite, goiter, congestive heart failure, hepatitis, atrial fibrillation, allergic reaction, facial swelling, low energy levels, swelling underneath the skin, angina pectoria, abnormal heart rhythm, chills, fever, dry mouth, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, weight gain or loss and gout.
Some of the Protonix side effects are extremely dangerous. The most dangerous side effects of the medication involve pancreas inflammation, damage to the eyes and serious allergic reactions. It is vital to get emergency medical attention if you have trouble with swallowing or breathing, or suddenly develop peeling and blistering of the skin (or any other unusual side effects).
Drug Interactions
Drug interactions can occur when more than one medication is taken at the same time. Drug interactions can result in unpleasant side effects, as well as decreased or increased effectiveness of one or all of the medicines that are involved. Some drugs that can result in interactions with Protonix include ketoconazole, ampicillin and warfarin. It is crucial to notify your doctor of all medications and nutritional supplements you might be taking when considering Protonix as an option.