Food to Prevent Heartburn
Heartburn is primarily caused by food and stomach acids backing up into the esophagus. This occurrence is a result of the esophageal sphincter relaxing more than normal, prompting the backward flow of the acids. Another term for heartburn is Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Common symptoms of heartburn include cough, chronic sore throat, hoarseness, frequent gas and bronchial infections.
Food Causing Heartburn
Food is the major cause of heartburn as there are several types of food that can cause the esophageal sphincter to relax more than normal. These types of food include acidic foods such as tomatoes and citrus fruits. Fatty foods, chocolate, caffeine and alcohol can also be major contributors to heartburn. Non-diet factors such as smoking, stress, tight clothing and eating before exercising should be eliminated from the person's lifestyle.
High-Fiber Diet
Diets high in fiber and low in fat may prevent or lessen heartburn. For quite some time now, high-fiber food has been regarded as a preventive measure against colon cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In general, people with heartburn typically have a higher intake of cholesterol and fats. Therefore, those who follow a high-fiber meal plan have a lower chance of having heartburn or GERD.
Papaya is a food that may ease the stomach and reduce heartburn. Papaya is rich in enzymes, particularly papain, which soothes the stomach and assists the body in digestion. Papaya is also referred to as a vegetable pepsin, since the substance present in papaya is similar to the pepsin found in the stomach. Papaya can be eaten raw, put in salads, made into a juice drink, ingested as papaya tablets or used in marinades.
Ginger is another alternative to preventing heartburn. For many years, the Chinese have used ginger to heal ailments, particularly for motion sickness. Ginger is also used for holistic medicine wherein the whole of the body is treated, not just the symptoms. However, ginger placed in a drink provides temporary relief, though it is not proven to work in the long term.