Acid-Reflux Cure Using Apples
Why Try Apples
There are a lot of over-the-counter and prescription options available for treatment of acid reflux, but apples are easy to find, incredibly inexpensive, and for some individuals---an easy fix. Acid reflux generally produces a burning sensation in the individual's upper abdomen, chest and/or throat areas. At one time, this condition was called acid indigestion. Apples work because they help neutralize the stomach acids, which in turn, help strengthen the LES valve.
How it Works
Curing acid reflux with apples is simple. Just eat one-to-two apples a day. Try eating apple slices before going to bed and in-between meals. That being said, the old-time saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," is starting to sound more valid for many individuals experiencing acid reflux. You can also try adding apple slices or pieces to unflavored yogurt. Yogurt also naturally fights acid reflux. Eating this mixture once or twice a day should produce results in just a few days. Many individuals find that eating the mixture with dinner is particularly beneficial.
Other Information to Keep in Mind
According to Dr. Brian Fennerty, who is a gastroenterologist, stick with organic apples, as they tend to be more easily digested. Apple cider vinegar can also be extremely helpful when it comes to fighting acid reflux. It's sort of like fighting a hangover with "hair of the dog." In other words, using acid to fight acid. Some individuals find that drinking two teaspoons of organic apple cider vinegar three times a day is very helpful with acid reflux. Other tips to remember include watching and maintaining a healthy weight and eating smaller meals. Make sure your final meal is at least three or more hours before bed. Avoid lying down after a meal or eating. Raising the head of your bed may also be beneficial if you experience acid reflux during sleep. This can be accomplished by placing wooden or cement blocks under the feet of the head of your bed. You can also raise the head of your bed by inserting a foam wedge between the mattress and the box spring in order to elevate your body during sleep from the waist up.