Acid Reflux Fruit Diet
Fruits to Avoid
The following fruits and their juices are highly acidic and should be completely avoided or enjoyed only in moderation:
Oranges, white grapefruit, lemons, cranberries, and tomatoes are among the most acidic. Consume low-acid orange juice, apple cider or red and green apples, peaches (except for the spring snow variety), blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, grapes, and dried cranberries infrequently.
Fruits to Enjoy
Pineapples and papaya contain digestive enzymes, so they will not irritate those who are inclined to acid reflux.
Other non-acidic or alkaline-forming fruits to eat are bananas, dates, pink grapefruit, Bing cherries, golden delicious apples, and spring snow peaches.
As you can see, some types of fruit, such as apples, belong in both categories of fruits to avoid and fruits to enjoy depending on the variety. Different types of the same fruit can have a dramatically different effect on our body.
Acid Reflux Tips
Eat several small meals throughout the day. Eat a small dinner so acid reflux does not keep you up at night.
Many people believe milk is great to drink to sooth the symptoms of acid reflux and for its calcium content. Unfortunately, the lactic acid found in milk often contributes to the problem. Try to keep milk consumption down and don't drink any after 3 p.m.
Avoid any food or drink for a couple of hours before bed. Sleep slightly elevated to let gravity pull the acid out of the esophagus.Along with the citrus fruits listed as foods to avoid, steer clear of coffee, alcohol, and spicy foods. Keep antacid pills around to help neutralize the acid in your stomach when symptoms arise.