Acid Reflux Cures Without Medication
Acid reflux is similar to heartburn in that it causes a burning sensation in the chest or throat. Heartburn that occurs regularly is likely acid reflux and can eventually lead to more serious health problems. Other symptoms include hoarseness, the feeling of having food stuck in your throat, a dry cough and bad breath.
Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria normally present in the stomach, causes acid reflux in some people when there is too much present and it encourages overproduction of gastric acid. Several factors can provoke acid reflux: smoking, stress, being overweight or pregnant, as well as certain foods such as citrus fruits, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, onions, spicy foods and tomato-based foods.
Antacids and especially prescription drugs like the "Purple Pill" suppress the amount of hydrochloric acid in your stomach, which interferes with your ability to digest food suitably and makes the situation worse in the long run. Instead, eat smaller meals, don't lie down for three hours after a meal and cut out or reduce the trigger foods and behaviors. In addition, you can:
Drink plenty of water each day to dilute the acid and neutralize the pH of your stomach.
Take probiotics daily to strengthen the good bacteria in your stomach, which will help fight off the bad bacteria.
Eat a clove of raw garlic every day. It is antibacterial, so it eliminates Helicobacter pylori---the only bacteria in the stomach that can't be killed by hydrochloric acid.
Apple cider vinegar is another natural antibacterial means of lowering the pH level in your body, helping to neutralize stomach acid. Make sure you get organic apple cider vinegar, like Bragg's, with the "mother" in it---this substance contains the healing enzymes. Mix 1 to 3 teaspoons into a full glass of water and drink it 30 minutes before a meal.
Ginger root absorbs stomach acid and calms the muscle spasms. You can find these capsules at your local health food store.
Ignoring or resolving to just live with the problem is no solution---untreated acid reflux may lead to inflammation and scarring of the esophagus, breathing problems, bleeding, ulcers or even esophageal cancer.