Cure for Acid Reflux
For a quick cure to acid reflux, antacids are often used. Antacids are available over the counter and neutralize stomach acid when taken before or after a meal. Some brand names of antacids include Tums, Rolaids and Mylanta. These medications are available in both pill and liquid form.
A line of drugs known as H-2 receptor blockers was developed to cure acid reflux by decreasing the amount of acid produced by the stomach. These medications have a much longer-lasting effect than antacids. Most of these drugs are available over the counter as well and include Pepcid, Zantac and Tagament.
In some cases, your doctor may give you a prescription to cure your acid reflux. Proton pump inhibitors, also referred to as PPIs, not only reduce acid production, but can also help heal damage caused by the reflux. Prevacid and Nexium are two well-known prescription PPIs.
Remove Acid Reflux Triggers
There are numerous lifestyle adjustments you can make to cure acid reflux. Dietary changes can make a huge difference and will often be recommended by doctors to treat the disorder. If you are overweight, your physician may recommend eating a lower-fat diet in order to drop excess weight. The extra weight has a tendency to push more acid into the esophagus.
Eliminate foods that cause you to suffer an attack of acid reflux. Foods commonly associated with reflux symptoms include tomatoes, garlic, onions, caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits, alcohol, mint, chocolate, fatty foods and spicy foods.
When you do eat, try smaller portions over the course of the day instead of three larger square meals. Avoid eating too close to bedtime and try not to lie flat after a meal. Sleeping with your upper body elevated can also aid in digestion.
In rare cases, surgery may be required to cure acid reflux. Reflux surgery or fundoplication involves suturing the hiatal hernial sack below the diaphragm. The opening of the diaphragm is tightened and the esophageal opening is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus, farther away from the stomach. This surgical technique is usually successful at eliminating a person's acid reflux symptoms.