Home Remedies for Severe Heartburn
Baking Soda
Common baking soda not only makes your refrigerator smell good, it will relieve heartburn and acid indigestion. It takes effect fairly quickly. Add 1/2 tsp. baking soda to 4 oz. of water. Dissolve it completely and drink the water. Do not use this remedy if you are on a sodium-restricted diet. Take no more than seven 1/2 tsp. in 24 hours. If you are 60 or older, then take no more than three 1/2 tsp. in 24 hours. Do not use this remedy if you also feel "stuffed" or overfull. Directions are on the package.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Get unpasteurized Apple Cider Vinegar, unpasteurized because it contains the nutrients. Put two tsp. in a cup of water or juice and drink it. You should experience relief in a short period of time. A link to sources of unpasteurized ACV is in the Resources section below if you can't find it in your area.
Yes, Alka-Seltzer actually does work to relieve heartburn. Dissolve two tablets in water and drink it down. You should experience some relief very shortly. Read the package instructions for any warnings there may be regarding dosage and maximum use.