Solutions for Acid Reflux
Maintain a Healthy lifestyle
Maintaining a healthy weight, being active, and not smoking are three ways to stay healthy and prevent reflux. Since obesity worsens reflux, it is important to eat healthy and be active. It is perhaps most important to avoid smoking. Smoking is not only extremely dangerous but is a common reflux trigger. If you smoke, talk to your doctor about ways you can quit. Not only will it improve your reflux, it will improve your overall health and add years to your life.
Avoid triggers
Many people find that certain foods and drinks worsen their reflux. Common dietary triggers include spicy or greasy foods, citrus foods, tomatoes, alcohol and caffeine. Often, avoiding these foods is all that is needed to see improvement in symptoms of reflux. Tight clothing can also worsen reflux. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to avoid putting pressure on the stomach. Many people find their reflux is worse at night. If lying down worsens your condition, try sleeping in an elevated position. You can also try sitting up for 30 minutes to an hour after eating. This allows your stomach time to empty before lying down.
You may need medication for your acid reflux symptoms if you do not experience relief by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding triggers. The most commonly used medications are over-the-counter antacids that neutralize stomach acid. These can be taken with meals and at bedtime to lessen discomfort associated with reflux. Common antacids are Mylanta, Maalox and Tums.
When antacids alone do not help, H2 blockers can be used to decrease acid production. H2 blockers include Zantac, Tagamet, Pepcid and Axid. As with antacids, these medications work best for mild acid reflux symptoms.
Proton pump inhibitors are used for moderate to severe acid reflux. These drugs work by inhibiting production of stomach acid. The most popular drugs in this class are Prevacid, Prilosec, Nexium and Protonix. Often, these medications are used in conjunction with prokinetic agents like Reglan. Prokinetic agents make the stomach empty faster.