Reflux Remedies for Babies
Feeding Methods
Babies often experience acid reflux if they drink too much at one time, so instead of larger or longer feedings, parents should try to feed for shorter periods, more frequently. Additionally, propping up the baby in a sitting position helps to hold down the milk she drinks and reduce the likelihood of an acid reflux flare-up. Burping frequently during a feeding session also reduces gas and improves reflux symptoms.
For babies who are breastfed, you may need to make changes to your child's diet if a doctor recommends it. For babies who drink formula, a simple change in brand or type may clear up the acid-reflux problem, or at least reduce its severity.
Medical Treatment Options
For a baby who experiences great discomfort, doctors may prescribe small doses of adult heartburn medications, such as Zantac or Prilosec. The child may also require dietary changes, including higher-calorie nutritional options or even the use of a feeding tube, if acid reflux keeps him from getting the nutrition he needs.
In rare cases, a doctor may need to operate on the baby's esophagus to cure his acid reflux. During this surgery, the portion of the esophagus that allows food to pass into the stomach is tightened in order to prevent the acid reflux from re-entering the esophagus. This procedure can be dangerous, so it is typically only used as a treatment option in cases where the baby experiences weight loss or inhibited growth due to acid reflux.
Other Solutions
If you are using a bottle to feed the baby, check the size of the nipple. If the hole is too large, she may drink too much milk at one time, aggravating her reflux. On the other hand, if the opening in the nipple is too small, she may suck in too much air.
And while doctors may discourage thickening the milk, some mothers swear by this remedy. You can add a small amount---a tsp. to a tbsp. per bottle---of rice cereal to the baby's milk. Not only will this help the baby feel fuller for a longer period of time, but the thicker milk may also stay down in her stomach more easily than regular breast milk or formula alone.