Over-the-Counter Remedies for Acid Reflux
Try Antacids for Mild Cases of Acid Reflux
Over-the-counter antacids provide acid reflux relief by neutralizing stomach acid production. People with mild cases of acid reflux get fast, short-term relief when they take antacids. Brand name antacids include Maalox Regular Strength, Tums Regular, Pepcid Complete Chewable Tablets, Rolaids, Ex-Lax Milk of Magnesia Stimulant Free Liquid Laxative/Antacid, Phillips' Chewable Tablets Antacid-Laxative Stimulant Free and Alka-Seltzer Heartburn Relief.
Use Bismuth Subsalicylates for Acid Reflux Symptoms
The American Academy of Family Physicians says over-the-counter acid reflux remedies containing bismuth subsalicylates work by balancing the bodily fluids moving through the bowels, removing toxins from bacteria and killing germs. Common bismuth subsalicylates include Kaopectate, Pepto-Bismol and Maalox Maximum Strength Total Stomach Relief. These over-the-counter remedies only treat occasional acid reflux flare-ups.
Take H2 Blockers for Longer Relief
H2 blockers reduce stomach acid production, but they don't provide the immediate symptom relief as antacids. When H2 blockers begin treating symptoms, though, people with acid reflux experience longer relief. Tagamet HB 200, Pepcid AC and Zantac 75 are over-the-counter remedies. The American Academy of Family Physicians says some products combine the fast action of antacids and the lasting results of H2 blocker. Pepcid Complete combines these two acid reflux remedies with famotidine, calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide for fast results.
Use Proton Pump Inhibitors for Frequent Acid Reflux
People who suffer from acid reflux two or more days a week use this over-the-counter drug as a treatment option. Proton pump inhibitors prevent acid production and takes one to four days to work. Prilosec OTC is the brand name of this type of acid reflux remedy. According to Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs, Prilosec OTC is just as effective as prescription medications that are approximately 10 times more expensive.