Acidic Foods to Avoid
Fruits and Vegetables
All citrus fruit and some berries, such as cranberry and blueberry, are very acidic and should be avoided. All tomato products, including pasta sauce and ketchup, are highly irritating if you have acid reflux. Whole olives, both fresh and preserved, also should be avoided.
The fatty acids in non-lean meats can cause acid reflux, so generally avoid ground beef, steak, chicken wings and any processed meat products, which typically are high in fat.
Alcohol, soft drinks, coffee and tea---even if decaffeinated---can cause episodes of acid reflux. Juices made from any restricted fruits or tomatoes should not be consumed.
Lactose, which occurs in all dairy products, is a common cause of acid reflux. Try replacing regular dairy goods with lactose-free versions.
Condiments and Spices
Foods cooked with vinegar and wine are likely to cause acid reflux. Hot sauce, salsa, paprika, pepper and other "hot" spices can lead to irritation.
Refined sugar, and the fat in butter and margarine, make most sweets off-limits for acid reflux control. Chocolate products in particular are highly acidic and must be avoided.