Acid Indigestion Cure
Change Eating Habits
Take a hard look at your diet. Foods high in fat and other unhealthy choices are leading contributors to acid indigestion.
The main cause of heartburn is an underperforming lower esophageal sphincter, or LES. WebMD says foods that contribute to a deficient LES include tomatoes, citrus fruits, garlic, onions, chocolate, coffee, alcohol, caffeinated products and peppermint. Foods high in fats and oils aren't much better and will frequently lead to heartburn. Also, no matter what you eat, try not to eat anything within three hours before you go to bed.
Anxiety and stress will very often increase acid production and can cause heartburn. Smoking, while not good for you for a number of reasons, also relaxes the LES and stimulates stomach acid.
Balance Your Diet and Drink Natural, Herbal Teas
Sometimes, it's not about what you're eating but about what you're not eating that can help., a reference for herbs and supplements, says that ginger, peppermint and chamomile teas are effective at getting rid of indigestion. Elm bark in the form of tea or a tablet coats the lining of the stomach, acting as a kind of protective barrier against acid. Chamomile tea also is effective at alleviating pain and indigestion.
Aromatherapy is also helpful. Rub peppermint or marjoram oil on your abdomen to help soothe the pain caused by acid indigestion.