Detox Diet for Heartburn
Detox Diet for Heartburn
To begin a heartburn detox, eliminate alcohol, caffeine (including decaffeinated coffee), carbonated drinks, chocolate and citrus juices, as these fluids stimulate the increase of stomach acid.
Drink eight glasses of water a day.
Do not exercise or lay down for at least two hours after eating.
Drink 2 tbsp. raw apple cider vinegar in a glass of water three times a day Best if sipped throughout the day and drunk 30 minutes before or after a meal.
Avoid spicy foods, onions, tomatoes and garlic.
Do not consume greasy/fried foods.
Consume three servings of fresh fruit (non citrus) and vegetables a day. Vegetables with high chlorophyll content such as celery, spinach, asparagus and green peppers are good for eliminating heartburn.
At night, keep head slightly elevated to keep stomach acids down.
Results may be seen in as few as three days in mild cases, or as early as a week. Continue with the detox diet for at least two weeks before reintroducing these foods back into your diet. As you reintroduce, determine which foods are the culprit to your heartburn.