Reasons for Heartburn
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid backs up into the esophagus and throat. Normally, a muscle at the base of the esophagus prevents this from happening. However, if the muscle does not work properly, heartburn can result.
Diet may be one of the top reasons for heartburn. Most people find that particular foods are problematic for them through trial and error. Common food culprits include caffeine, tomato products and garlic.
Lifestyle can also play a part in heartburn. People who are overweight and sedentary tend to get heartburn more easily. Smokers are also at higher risk for heartburn.
Some medications raise the risk for heartburn. If you are suffering from frequent heartburn, talk to your doctor about the possibility of switching medications to alleviate the problem.
Preventing heartburn can be as easy as knowing the reasons behind the condition and avoiding them as much as possible. This might include kicking the smoking habit, altering your diet or shedding extra pounds to enjoy more heartburn-free days and nights.