Hiatus Hernia Remedies
Medical Treatment
If you consistently have symptoms of a hiatal hernia, first visit your doctor in order to rule out any other possible medical conditions. Your doctor may recommend over-the-counter medications first, such as antacids like famotidine, cimetidine and ranitidine. If these don't help, he or she may prescribe stronger forms of medication. If you try medications along with other interventions, and you still struggle with symptoms for a long period of time, your doctor may recommend hernia surgery to repair the problem.
Lifestyle Changes
You may need to change your diet. Eat less spicy and fatty foods. Eat five to six very small meals each day rather than three large ones. Make sure your weight is within a healthy range. Either cut out alcohol and caffeine, or only consume them in moderation. Exercise regularly. Try to get a cardiovascular workout for 20 to 30 minutes at least three times per week.
Other Modifications
Elevate the head of your bed in order to reduce the likelihood of gastric reflux and irritation. Place small wooden or concrete blocks under the two upper corners of your bed frame. These blocks can range from one inch to several inches high. You may have to experiment with different heights to see which is most effective and comfortable for you. Also refrain from heavy lifting, as it may stress the hernia and worsen your condition.