Signs & Symptoms of Stomach Acid
What Is Excess Stomach Acid Or Heartburn?
The esophageal sphincter muscle is located where the esophagus joins the stomach. This muscle relaxes after swallowing to allow passage of food through to the stomach, after which this muscle promptly closes. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) back-washes up to the esophagus due to the sphincter muscle either being weak or relaxing when it isn't supposed to. The symptom of heartburn is a burning, tingling or painful feeling in the lower part of the chest, just below the breastbone, which may also extend upward.
Food Triggers
Experiencing a burning sensation in the esophagus is a symptom of heartburn if you have just eaten one of these food triggers: chocolate, soda, peppermint, coffee, fatty or fried foods, alcohol, black pepper, ketchup, mustard, orange juice, tomato sauce or vinegar. These foods and beverages can trigger heartburn in some people, as they can cause extra acidity that irritates the digestive system. Eliminate these foods from your diet, and see if the symptoms of heartburn disappear.
Physical Exersion Triggers
One sign of heartburn can be the burning sensation occurring after bending over or doing strenuous lifting. Pregnancy can also cause heartburn, due to the position of the baby applying pressure.
Lying Triggers
If burning in the chest occurs when lying down, especially when lying on your right side, this is a sign of heartburn. After eating, do not lie down for several hours, and also eat smaller meals.
Medication Triggers
Aspirin, ibuprofen and other medications can be triggers and some people will experience heartburn after taking them.
Relieving Heartburn Symptoms
As mentioned, if you experience heartburn occasionally, try eliminating those foods known to trigger symptoms. Overweight individuals will sometimes see symptoms completely disappear if they lose 10 to 15 pounds. Quitting smoking and eliminating alcohol consumption may also prevent symptoms.
Even stress can cause heartburn. Occasional heartburn can be relieved with over-the-counter antacids which bind excess acid and coat the esophagus. One must be careful not to take antacids too often though, as they interfere with normal digestion and could risk nutrient deficiency. For frequent heartburn, see your doctor who may prescribe medicine that prevents acid formation.
Signs Of A More Serious Condition
The symptoms of heartburn should disappear quickly after taking an over-the-counter antacid. However, if the pain persists and radiates to the arms, is accompanied by a cold sweat or chest pressure and dizziness or shortness of breath, this may by the sign of a heart attack. Get to a hospital immediately.