Effects of Protonix on Liver
Protonix can effect the liver. In less than 1 percent of patients serious effects occurred. Why these effects occurred in patients taking Protonix is unclear. These effects include increased SGOT, increased alkaline phosphatase, biliary pain, hepatitis, cholecystitis, hyperbilirubinemia, cholelithiasis, increased gamma glutamyl transpeptidase and cholestatic jaundice. In some long-term users, abnormal liver function tests have occurred.
Protonix is mainly prescribed to treat erosive esophagitis. Since Protonix reduces excess stomach acid, it is also effective in alleviating trouble sleeping due to heartburn, persistent cough and trouble swallowing. This drug has also been proven beneficial in preventing serious damage to the digestive system, such as esophogeal cancer and ulcers, by reducing stomach acid.
Side Effects
Common side effects of Protonix include vomiting, abdominal pain, rash, burping, nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, headache and gas. Rare side effects of this medication include increased blood sugar levels, vitamin B12 deficiency, inflamed pancreas, peeling skin, eruptions, blisters, eye damage and allergic reaction. Patients taking Protonix who experience heartburn combined with chest pain, trouble breathing, dizziness, lightheadedness, sweating, shoulder/jaw pain, pain radiating to shoulders, neck or arms or unexplained weight loss need to consult a doctor immediately.
Those with other stomach problems, poorly controlled diabetes and severe liver disease may not be able to take Protonix. Those allergic to similar drugs may not be able to take this drug. Those who are pregnant may not be able to take this drug. Those who are nursing should not take Protonix. Patients with liver conditions, especially severe liver disease, must alert their doctor of their condition.
Patients taking Warfarin, Dasatinib, Ampicillin, Calcium supplements, Ketoconazole or iron supplements may not be able to take Protonix. A very serious interaction can occur when taking Protonix with Nelfinavir or Atazanavir. Certain herbal products and-over-the counter medications may not interact well with this drug. Protonix may affect certain lab tests results such as tests for tetrahydrocannabinol-THC.