Heartburn Treatment
The Most Commonly Used Treatment
When people have occasional heartburn attacks, they usually turn to antacids. These products are sold under brands including Rolaids, Mylanta and Tums. The antacids can come in liquid or tablet form, but sufferers get faster relief from the liquid versions. Antacids, as the name suggests, help to neutralize the acids in the stomach. The neutralization doesn't last very long so chronic sufferers usually need prescription medications.
Prescription Strength Antacids
If you have a prescription for Pepcid AC or Tagamet HB, you are taking a stronger version of the antacids listed above. Their active ingredients are capable of blocking H-2 receptors which are responsible for prompting the stomach to produce more acid. By blocking these receptions, you'll minimize the amount of acid in the stomach and can bring relief to the sufferer. The upside is that these prescription medications provide relief for a longer period of time. Unfortunately, they also take longer to begin bringing relief. Another example of these drugs are brands like Prilosec which reduce acid production while also helping to heal the acid damage to the esophagus.
Natural Solutions to Heartburn
Although most people who have chronic heartburn do require some type of medication to treat their condition, these medications can be complemented through the use of alternative treatments primarily aimed at reducing the sufferer's stress. Not only can stress help trigger heartburn but it can also make the pain worse. Massage, mild exercise, and aromatherapy are believed to help reduce stress and heartburn problems for many people.
Changes in Lifestyle
For some chronic heartburn sufferers, their symptoms can be controlled through some changes in their lifestyle. Overweight sufferers may be able to feel better by dropping some weight because those extra pounds increase the risk of developing heartburn. Smoking, drinking alcohol, eating right before bed, and eating too quickly can also lead to heartburn.
Food Avoidance
Another way of controlling symptoms involves paying attention to the types of foods that cause heartburn. People's bodies react differently to foods so what triggers heartburn for one person may do nothing for someone else. Keeping a log of your food intake and your heartburn symptoms can help you identify the food triggers so you can avoid them or take prescription medications before eating them.