Effectiveness of Antacid Home Remedies
The effectiveness of antacid home remedies depends upon the remedy used, but they can be more effective than chemically produced varieties because they lessen the occurrence of hindering side effects that cause other negative and harmful health consequences.
Herbs like mustard, supplements such as calcium and/or magnesium, and liquids such as baking soda and water, are popular for fighting acid reflux. Another approach is to eat low-acid food such as saltines that help absorb the body's acid.
Natural medicines have been used for generations with success---and without causing any undue harm. Moderation is the key when using home remedies effectively. Sometimes, though, home remedies as antacids are not recommended for those with a chronic illness. Check with your doctor.
Antacid home remedies may not be effective for those with an underlying condition known as GERD---gastroesophageal reflux disease. Also, anyone experiencing acid reflux more than twice a week while using antacid home remedies is advised to seek medical help. Frequent heartburn can lead to long-term health concerns, such as cancer.
Antacid home remedies are best used to reduce the chance of getting acid reflux or heartburn in the first place. Other preventive measures you can take include drinking plenty of water to help wash toxins out of your body, eating small meals throughout the day, snacking two hours prior to bedtime, avoiding drinks with caffeine and limiting consumption of alcohol and nicotine.