Heartburn Relief Remedies
Heartburn is a painful burning sensation in your chest and stomach region. There are several causes, such as eating quickly, overeating and lying down directly after a meal. Other reasons include smoking or being overweight. Chronic or severe heartburn can be an indication of an underlying medical condition. Seek a doctor's opinion when heartburn relief remedies do not help. For a mild heartburn flare up, over-the-counter medications or home remedies may be helpful. However, a prescription medication could be your only relief.Things You'll Need
- Milk
- Baking soda
- White bread
- Antacids
- Medication
Drink whole milk. With an occasional occurrence of heartburn and stomach acid, milk may relieve the burning sensation. This may not help with chronic heartburn symptoms, however.
Swallow a glass of lukewarm water. After you eat spicy foods or consume food too fast, a glass of warm water may settle your stomach.
Use approximately 2 or 3 tsp. of baking soda in an 8 oz. glass of water. This method should relieve heartburn from stomach acid within seconds.
Eat white bread. Chew the bread slowly and thoroughly, then swallow. White bread soaks up the acid on the way down as well as in your stomach.
Use antacids or over-the-counter heartburn medication. Antacids may relieve the burning sensation from an occasional flare-up. Antacids include but are not limited to Tums, Maalox and Rolaids. Medications such as Prilosec OTC and Tagamet can reduce the heartburn overnight, or at meals.
Discuss your symptoms with a doctor. If you encounter heartburn often, there may be an underlying cause. For example, stomach ulcers are a medical source for heartburn. The prescribed medication for heartburn includes Nexium and Prevacid.