Medical Conditions Caused by a Stomach Acid Imbalance
Heartburn and Indigestion
Everyone experiences heartburn and/or indigestion at one time or another. However, for those with chronic stomach acid imbalance, these can be daily occurrences. In some cases, heartburn can be so severe that it mimics a heart attack. If a chronic problem exists without treatment, heartburn and indigestion can escalate into ulcers or GERD.
A stomach acid imbalance causes a gas buildup that creates a bloated feeling and appearance. Bloat can be mild and only mildly uncomfortable to severe, causing great pain in the abdomen. Normally, this condition is temporary and rarely serious.
Serious and continuous stomach acid imbalance is very likely to cause stomach ulcers. Ulcers are caused by stomach acid aggravating and irritating the lining of the stomach. Left untreated, holes can develop in the stomach cavity and, in more serious conditions, internal bleeding.
GERD is the most commonly associated disease with stomach acid imbalance. Otherwise known as "acid reflux disease," it can cause a painful and distasteful backup of stomach acid into the esophagus. It is a serious condition if left untreated, because over time, it causes severe damage to the esophagus. GERD can be caused by a low level of stomach acid, as well as too much acid.
Adjustments in diet are commonly prescribed in initial treatment of stomach acid imbalances. Medications suggested to help alleviate the symptoms and buildup of stomach acid include over-the-counter products, such as Pepto-Bismol, milk of magnesia, Tums and others. Prescription medicines include Pepsid, Zantac, Tagamet and Prilosec.