Heartburn-Safe Foods
High-Fiber Foods
According to Quality Health, foods high in fiber can calm heartburn symptoms. People who suffer from heartburn and maintain a high-fiber diet can reduce their flare-ups by 20 percent. Women who wish to add fiber to their diet should aim for 21 to 25 g per day, while men should add 30 to 38 g of fiber to their diet per day. High-fiber foods range from fruit to beans and include strawberries, raisins, pasta, brown rice, almonds, sweet corn and carrots.
Poultry and Meat
Fat is a big trigger for heartburn, so the leaner the meat, the less likely it is to function as a trigger. Trimming excess fat from meat and pulling the skin off of chicken can decrease the likelihood of heartburn, according to MedicineNet.com. Additionally, avoiding frying as a method of cooking, and using a technique like broiling or baking instead, will also reduce the risk of a flare-up.
Some common drinks, like coffee and orange juice, are likely to trigger heartburn, but you can substitute these for heartburn-safe drinks such as herbal tea and apple and pineapple juices. According to Wellsphere, water serves a multiple purpose for heartburn sufferers. You can safely drink as much water as you like as a beverage, and it thins out stomach acids, so it may ease or prevent heartburn. Water can also soothe the burning sensation in your throat and chest from the condition.
Restaurant Foods
While maintaining a diet with foods safe for heartburn is easiest when eating at home, you can reduce the risk of experiencing the condition when eating at restaurants, according to Quality Health. At Italian restaurants, dishes with a light sauce similar to broth, and little to no cheese, are ideal choices for avoiding heartburn. At Chinese restaurants, heartburn-safe choices come with a light sauce and include non-spicy dishes with beef, shrimp, broccoli, mushrooms and other vegetable dishes. Dishes safely consumed at Mexican restaurants include grilled fajitas, guacamole with flour tortillas, rice and low-fat re-fried beans. Herbs common to Mexican restaurants, such as cumin and cilantro, are also heartburn safe.